
Pancake Inspired Porridge Pot Toppings

With March crepe-ing up on us, we’ve got some flipping good pancake inspired porridge pot toppings for you to try.
Pancake Inspired Porridge Pot Toppings
Even if you’re too busy to whip up a batch of pancakes before work or school on Pancake Day, there’s no need for you to miss out on all of the fun! All you need to do is toss on some toppings, most of which you'll have in your cupboard ready and waiting to be added to your favourite instant porridge pot!

Lemon & Sugar - a Truly Classic Combo

A classic pancake flavour. Try topping one of our Plain (No Added Sugar) Instant Porridge Pots with a spoonful of rich, sweet and luxurious lemon curd (no need for any extra sugar here!). Finish your creation with a grating of lemon zest for a fresh and zingy twist.

Flipping Nuts! Golden Syrup and a Sprinkle of Nuts

Golden syrup is a really traditional pancake topping enjoyed by people all over the UK each Pancake Day. There’s nothing better than drizzling a spoonful of the sticky stuff on top of your pancakes, why not try getting that same flavour from your oats this Pancake Day? Take one of our Golden Syrup Instant Porridge Pots and prepare as per the instructions on the side of the pot. Whilst the porridge is still piping hot, sprinkle on some chopped, mixed nuts on top for an easy sweet and nutty treat.

Peanut Butter, Banana and Chocolate

Fancy something a bit different this Pancake Day? Banana, chocolate and peanut butter are some of our favorite flavours here at MOMA HQ, which has inspired us to create this oatie-choc-banana-peanut concoction! Whilst peanut butter isn’t your traditional pancake topping, there’s no reason why it can’t be included in the line-up! Smooth or crunchy, the choice is yours! Firstly, take a Plain (No Added Sugar) Instant Porridge Pot and pour in your hot water and stir. Swirl in a spoonful of good quality peanut butter, some 70% dark chocolate shavings and some chopped banana on top to finish.

Bacon and Maple Syrup - The All-American way to start your day

A truly indulgent way to celebrate pancake day. Taking influence from across the Atlantic, cook up some streaky bacon until crispy. Drain the cooked bacon on some kitchen towel and wait for it to cool slightly. When the bacon is cool enough to handle, crumble it up and sprinkle on top of a Plain (No Added Sugar) Instant Porridge Pot. Finish with a swirl of maple syrup and tuck in! The sweetness of the syrup and creamy porridge oats really compliment the salty, crispy bacon - making for a really different way to start your 2017 Pancake Day! Last year we shared a recipe for MOMA’s Fruity Oat Pancakes using our Plain (No Added Sugar) porridge sachets - follow the link to check it out! Share your pancake inspired oatie creations with us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!