When you’re using your brain all day to not only complete your daily work tasks, but to take on new information and remembering the names of your new work besties, you’ll be in need of a breakfast which packs a real punch of energy to keep you alert for those long days in the office.
Although starting your day off with an awesome pot or sachet of MOMA porridge is a great way to kick the day off with an energising punch - there’s lots of other ways to make sure you’re giving your A-game and making the right first impressions at work.
Sticking to a Routine
Unfortunately, procrastination and staying up all night is not an option in the working world. Gone are the days of pulling coffee fuelled all- nighters and working around the clock. Combining a healthy sleep pattern with regular mealtimes (including getting up early enough to make time for a great breakfast) will definitely go some way to stay energised. Top Tip: If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends and are feeling the effect of a few too many late nights, try spending a few minutes the night before, getting everything ready that you’ll need in the morning- including a grab and go healthy breakfast - a sure fire way to make mornings more enjoyable.
Surely exercise decreases energy? Wrong, exercising actually creates more energy in your body by stimulating these little power plants inside you called mitochondria. So, if you have hobbies or play sports, don’t give them up when you start your job, not only will you be boosting your energy levels, but it is a great way to make friends if you're new to the city. Top Tip: Hobbies are incredibly important when you have a hectic and busy work life. Help yourself to organise your time by investing in a calendar or using the ‘reminders’ function on your phone, then you’ll be able to schedule your hobbies around your fantastic new job!
Energising Nutty Toppings for Porridge - National Peanut Day 13th September
Here at MOMA, we’re always looking for ways to add extra energy and nutrition to all of the food we eat, and because we’re absolutely nuts about porridge, National Peanut Day was the obvious place to start with some awesome (and easy) ideas for incorporating peanuts and their energy boosting properties into your day. As a busy graduate navigating the new world of work, we understand that making the time to eat a protein and energy rich breakfast might not be at the top of your ‘to-do’ list each morning, in between checking emails and navigating busy city streets. We’ve collected a few of our favorite peanut packed breakfast ideas together:
PROATS - How Peanuts Can Pack a Protein Punch for Breakfast
Our good friends over at Pip and Nut are also huge fans of breakfast, their range of nut butters make a real difference to plain porridge - not to mention the nut butters come in individual squeezy packets. What could be easier and quicker than grabbing a pot or sachet of plain MOMA porridge and a ‘squeeze pack’ of your favourite Pip and Nut peanut butter to stir through your hot oats to make quick and easy PROATS? Top Tip: Always read the label of your nut butter, to make sure their are no nasties in there - the best quality nut butters simply contain nuts and a sprinkle of salt to bring out the natural flavours.
Figgy Peanut Porridge
Figs are in season right now, so take a look for some really great deals in supermarkets to pick up this mediterranean treat. Stir a spoonful of natural peanut butter through your hot MOMA oats, then finish off with some chopped up figs and a drizzle of honey. Figs are a great source of fibre, so adding these to oats will really keep your digestive system in check . Top Tip: Figs are hardy little fruits, so preparing them the night before and storing in an airtight container in the fridge won't do them any harm - perfect for a hectic morning.
Crunchy Nut Porridge
Although smooth peanut butter will combine perfectly into porridge, try mixing things up with a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter for some texture in your oats. A drizzle of honey on top will really make this porridge into a treat your fellow commuters will be jealous of.